Partnership OS – LH

Registration of the Squeeze-Out with the Commercial Register of the Vienna Commercial Court
The shares of the minority shareholders are transferred to ÖLH Österreichische Luftverkehrs-Holding GmbH with effect as of 4 February.
Delisting expected soon.
Vienna, 4 February 2010: The Vienna Commercial Court has registered with the commercial register the squeeze-out pursuant to the Austrian Squeeze-Out Act, which has been resolved in the shareholders’ meeting dated 16 December 2009, with effect as of today’s date. Therefore, as of today’s date all shares held by the minority shareholders of Austrian Airlines AG have been transferred by operation of law to the majority shareholder ÖLH Österreichische Luftverkehrs-Holding GmbH. To the extent share certificates have been issued with respect to the shares held by the minority shareholders, such share certificates as of 4 February 2010 certify merely the claim for cash compensation. With effect as of the registration of the squeeze-out on today’s date the official trading, Segment Prime Market, of the shares listed at the Vienna Stock Exchange has been interrupted; a delisting of the shares of Austrian Airline AG (ISIN AT0000620158) is expected soon.
Documents Austrian Airlines AG Squeeze-out
Available only in german.
Statement of the Austrian Airlines Management Board on Takeover Offer
The Management Board of Austrian Airlines AG recommends that the shareholders accept the Takeover Offer of ÖLH Österreichische Luftverkehrs-Holding-GmbH. The Supervisory Board agrees with the statement of the Management Board on the Voluntary Public Takeover Offer.
Statement of the Management Board of Austrian Airlines AG on the Voluntary Public Takeover Offer of ÖLH Österreichische Luftverkehrs-Holding-GmbH.
Statement of the Supervisory Board of Austrian Airlines AG on the Voluntary Public Takeover Offer of ÖLH Österreichische Luftverkehrs-Holding-GmbH.
Update: 08.02.2010